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President Elect
Immediate Past President
Executive Secretary
RYLA Coordinator
Foundation Director
Sargeant at Arms

Are you a Business or Professional leader in your community, seeking to make a difference in the world around you?

For more information about sponsorship please email
From left to right are the 2024-2025 Club Presidents
Beverly Shannon-West Bowie County Rotary Club, Becky Easley-Texarkana Oaklawn Rotary Club, Kate Snow-Atlanta Area Rotary Club, Lonna Johnson-Texarkana Sunrise Rotary Club, Kathryn Montgomery-Texarkana International Rotary Club, DG Jeff Johnston- South Tyler Rotary Club, and Brian Matthews-Texarkana Wilbur Smith Rotary Club.


Rotary 4 Way Test

Object of Rotary
Service Above Self
Nash, TX 75569
United States of America